Many of you will know by now that I have quite sensitive skin (this video has actually been much requested!) I’ve teamed up with iconic skincare brand La Roche-Posay on this as their Toleriane line has been amazing at soothing + hydrating my dry, itchy + bumpy skin (face and body). In the winter, I get especially dry skin – it’s almost unbearably itchy. Being here in Toronto for my second winter (I’m originally a West Coaster), I’m slowly learning to best products + techniques to soothe and hydrate my skin. I’ve found that applying lotion right out of the shower (when your skin is almost still wet) is helpful for maximum moisture.

Sensitive skin doesn’t necessarily mean eczema intense redness – there are varying levels of sensitivity and one in two Canadians actually have sensitive skin. I have to be really careful about the products I use (skincare and makeup); if my skin is sensitive to something, it will break out or get red immediately. I try to do the best I can in trying out lots of different products (it’s my job as a beauty blogger!) and maintaining the best skin that I can.

If you have sensitive skin, please leave a comment below and let me know how you deal with it – I hope this video is helpful!

Shop the products skincare products here

Shot on Canon GX7 in collaboration with La Roche-Posay



  1. SophieEV
    05.26.2018 / 11:27 am

    Hey! I have a question about the Jane Iredale foundation you use. I am looking for a foundation that’s not heavy, especially with summer on it’s way. I have combination skin – oily and dry at the same time. I see that it’s one of your favourites, but I’m fearful that it will cling to and show my dry skin. Have you ever had that experience with it?

    • August Diaries
      05.30.2018 / 8:39 am

      Hi Sophie – I haven’t had that before – I make sure to moisturize and put my sunscreen on right before and it gives the powder something to cling to. But I don’t tend to use it in my dry areas (like my cheeks) as I don’t need very much coverage there.

      xx Jill

      • SophieEV
        06.01.2018 / 1:45 pm

        Wonderful! Thank you! I will give it a try 🙂 love all your videos and posts. Always looking forward to the next one!
        Take care

  2. Meg
    12.01.2018 / 1:14 pm

    Hey! Just wondering what eye makeup remover you would recommend? I’ve struggled to find something that isn’t irritating or too greasy that removes mascara easily. Love your posts

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