work-life balance

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Equipment blouse | The Castings denim (similar)

Ahhh, the work-life balance. Good god, this is such a hard thing. I honestly don’t know how parents do it, juggling their children, their lives and work, let alone someone like me (unmarried, no (human) children). This is something I’ve struggled with a lot lately as my blog has become more and more successful (yay!) and I’ve had to balance it with my full-time job, long-distance boyfriend and social life (and my baby). My stress levels have been worse than ever and it has been affecting my relationships and my life.

I finally took a step back and had to make some decisions about what I could and couldn’t handle. I know myself well enough to know that I need some downtime; I’m not one of those people that thrives on being busy 24/7. I’ve gotten a lot better with managing my stress levels and not letting them permeate my entire life. I’m better with organization and with balancing work and life. I’ve gotten better at saying no to things that just aren’t feasible.

It’s an ongoing struggle and one I know I’m not alone in. How do you guys deal with your stress?



  1. 04.27.2015 / 8:47 am

    Jill! Don’t even get me started on this! Between full time freelance work, photoshoots, the blog and a personal life I find it so hard to find balance. I’m not convinced it exists. I’m like you in that I NEED that personal time to recharge my batteries. Saying no is difficult but I think it’s the key to finding more balance and being true to yourself.
    Glad to hear the blog is going well. xo

    • 04.30.2015 / 9:56 am

      Absolutely, recharging is so important!

  2. 04.27.2015 / 10:48 am

    I agree 100% It can be such a struggle–I too work full time, do freelance work on the side, blog, the whole 9. It’s complicated to find the right balance, and even still things happen when you have it and they rock the boat. I find that prioritizing is key, as is being realistic with my time and how long something actually takes. But mostly, just being kind to myself and my support system. Love your blog and following you 🙂

    • 04.30.2015 / 9:56 am

      Support system is super important, agreed Krystle!

  3. Andrea N
    04.27.2015 / 11:49 am

    Get it completely.. I have a full time job that I commute to long distance and a toddler, but in a lot of ways it was just as hard before my little girl was born. Coping mechanisms that always work for me.. Spa getaways a few times a year and long hot baths every day! Hope it gets easier soon, plus if it’s not worth it stop doing it x

    • 04.30.2015 / 9:57 am

      Wow, you’re a busy lady! Thanks for the support 🙂

  4. 04.27.2015 / 9:30 pm

    I completely understand!! I work full time at VGH and then work on my blog what feels like full time (and my blog is no where near what yours is!). I feel like a have very little free time and

    • 04.27.2015 / 9:32 pm

      I like to have a glass of wine and watch YouTube videos on the couch to relax, haha

  5. Natalie
    04.28.2015 / 8:01 pm

    Lots of different things. I work as a social worker so my friend group (lots of social workers and counsellors) keep me sane and grounded. I veg a lot. Too much sometimes. Sometimes I get stuck on youtube. I love doing yoga and breathing fresh air. And I change it up – so I decided a month ago to apply for a job – and I change it up May 11! Take care of yourself! For luxury, Whistler = retreat, hiking and scandinave spa!

  6. 04.29.2015 / 4:25 am

    I always say to take life at one step at a time, don’t get carried up in all of life’s situations because our brains cant handle it all. One problem at a time along with some good r+r is the best care both physically and emotionally. So take care and be well!!

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